Insulating strip curtains
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Insulating strip curtains

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Strip curtains are used in coolers, freezers, warehouses and wherever there is a limit in terms of air exchange between the premises and a separate self-operating barrier is required. 
Our curtains are made of transparent PVC with belt width 200, 300, 400 mm and 2, 3, 4 mm thick. Cooler strip curtains operate at temperatures down to -30 ° C.
Insulating curtains used in freezers function as a barrier to air, minimizing energy loss when opening the freezer, additionally, it protects the door from freezing if the outlet of the cooling system is located in close proximity to the leaf
Strip curtains are mounted on a stainless steel tile hanger and a hook strip. 
It is possible to mount the strip curtains in the door frame and place an order for a sliding curtain with a wheelset.


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